Hot air balloons. We meet the Seghers: a passion driven by the wind

segehrs mongolfiere balloons

Curiosity, behind the scenes, everything you ever wanted to ask about hot air balloons and you never dared: we interview Jos and Karin Seghers, veterans of the Italian International Baloon Grand Prix that is taking place in the skies of Todi. The spectacle of colored skies from hot air balloons returns to Todi with the Italian International Baloon Grand Prix…

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Interviews. John R. Pepper introduces his exhibition “Inhabited Deserts”

inhabited deserts

Officially inaugurated on October 3rd, the photographic exhibition “Inhabited Deserts” by John R. Pepper, curated by Kirill Petrin and Gianluca Marziani, can be visited in Todi, until November 28th, 2020. Fifty-three large-format images tell of a three-year and 18,000-kilometer journey to discover the most remote and unexplored deserts in the world and a symbolic journey into the unknown corners of…

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Giancarlo Esposito will be in Todi for “Inhabited Deserts” exhibition

giancarlo esposito

Giancarlo Esposito, famous American actor and director, will be in Todi on October 3rd for the inauguration of the photographic exhibition by John R. Pepper “Inhabited Deserts”. Also appreciated as an art creator, Esposito created for the occasion a work inspired by Picasso’s “Dove of Peace”, transforming one of John Pepper’s evocative photos of deserts into a bloody pacifist manifesto:…

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The Beverly Pepper Park in Todi

beverly pepper park amati arte contemporanea

Beverly Pepper Park was opened on September 14th, 2019 in Todi: the Parco della Rocca, located on the top of the acropolis, now houses several works by the famous American artist who, for fifty years unitl her death, chose Todi as his home. Beverly Pepper donated to the city of Todi the twenty works from different artistic periods made of…

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